Leadership Matters

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Welcome! I would be honored to help you become the best person you can be, whether personally, professionally, or in your family unit.

My Story

As a leadership and life coach, I recognized that I had an innate curiosity from a very young age to get to know people – their hopes and dreams. As I grew older, that curiosity naturally blossomed in wanting to serve others in my community, and soon became my professional calling in life.

From my home state of Illinois, I have worked tirelessly with many youth programs, among them serving on the Whitehouse Fatherhood Initiative during President Obama’s term. I am currently serving on the National PTA’s Diversity Committee, co-chair the Illinois Governor’s P20 Council Family and Community Engagement Committee, among many others. I am also a devoted father to two incredible sons.

My Values & Beliefs

Leadership is Listening

To be an effective leader, you have to have an open ear and open heart toward those you are leading. Good leaders ask great questions.

Even Leaders Need Help

Leaders are not in a vacuum, simply leading. It is a collaborative effort, and good leaders recognize that they cannot effectively lead alone.

We All Have Something Unique to Give to the World

By listening to each other and exchanging ideas, we all can benefit. Everyone has something to contribute. In this way, we can move forward as a community and society.

Introducing My Mentor John C. Maxwell. The TOP expert on leadership!


Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!